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Drivers could face a £5,000 fine for driving without sunglasses
Summer is officially here and most of the country is enjoying bright sunshine and high temperatures. But with the upturn in weather, drivers have been warned that they could face a fine of up to £5,000 for not wearing sunglasses when behind the wheel.

Five tips for new drivers
We know what it’s like when you’ve just passed your driving test- even more so when you’ve just purchased your first car.
No longer a pedestrian, you’re eager to get behind the wheel and explore the roads from the driver's seat instead of the passenger.

Should Learner Driver receive points on their Driving Licence?
Denzel Washington famously said that “Rules were made to be broken” Well, maybe not in this case... Should Learner Drivers receive points on their licence before they even have one?

Driving home for Christmas?

10 Tips to Get Your Car Winter Ready
It has been quite a year and now we are all preparing to bunker down for the winter. But before you do it’s essential to ensure your vehicle is ready for the colder climate. At Eurofit Autocentres we offer a...

During the past few weeks we have been overwhelmed with confusion and questions surrounding many issues. We hope that the information below clears confusion and sheds light on the ways that we are still here to help. Below you will...