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Eurofit Competition: Win 2 Wolves tickets!

Are you a Wolves footy fan? Wolves vs QPR is on the 10th
February. We know how you could win free tickets!
Two Wolves tickets are up for grabs by entering our competition on Eurofit Autocentres Facebook page. All you need to do is comment
with your fave WOLVES player of all time, tagging the person you can share the footy craze with. See terms and conditions below for more details of how it works.

Not to forget mention, keep your eyes peeled for more competitions coming soon in 2018.

Terms and Conditions apply

These terms and conditions constitute your acceptance of entering this competition.

How it works;

To enter this competition head to our Facebook page and comment on the competition Facebook post. YOUR comment must include; naming your fave WOLVES player of all time, tagging the person you can share the footy craze with. Without all the entry requirements you will not be considered as a possible winner. One winner will be selected at random. Winner will be messaged on Facebook with the relevant Terms and Conditions and announced on Facebook as the Winner of the competition. Winner will receive two Wolves tickets. Tickets are valid for Wolverhampton Wanderers against QPR at Molineux stadium 10th February. Kick off is at 3pm.

Tickets must be collected from selected Eurofit Autocentre at a mutual date and time. Tickets cannot be substituted for cash. Competition is available at time
of promotion. Competition ends on 5th February 2018. Any engagement with this competition after the end date will not apply.

These Terms and Conditions do not form part of Wolves Terms and Conditions. Eurofit Autocentres shall not be responsible for the loss or damage of these tickets or replace these tickets. Eurofit Autocentres shall not be responsible for late attendance, missed dates of the Wolves match or failure to collect tickets. Tickets must be collected before 9th February 2018. Eurofit Autocentres reserves the right to withdraw competition at any time. Participating Centres only.
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